I,Chetan& Venkat @ SPI
White & Blue SPI
Green SPI!
SPI as good as Harne/Murud Janjira "bandar"(Docks)
SPI other view!
Queen Isabella Causeway (Bridge)
Hotel 3
Hotel 1
Water for SPI
Nice Dead End!
Laguna Road
Width of SPI
Common man's House on SPI
Some people are Rich
Good Morning Nature!
Palm Trees & Houses
Palm Trees & my Car!
ce Houses in a Row!
SPI Town 2
SPI Town
5.6Miles Queen Isabella Causeway... (Old Spanish Queen)
Open water for Water-Scootering...
Jetty belongs to a house...
Clustered housing!
The Church of SPI
None at the LARGE Church! Empty parking lot!
Open area open sky...
Wooden Hotels
Beautiful Hotels
Long-View... Lagoona Beach
None wakes up @ morn ...except a few old early-risers!
None wakes up in morn!
White beach... deserted in the beautiful morning!
Beachside view
Houses in SPI
Abby, Works 8 Hrs after school sleeps 2-3Hrs /day... Poverty, & Will-Power keeps her Happy... a good singer!
Rebeca, Selini
Me: On Hummer
Budweiser : Ad on Girls on Hummer! ...U can never tell what is BEING Advertized!
The SECOND car I rented for the same trip!
This is "Indian" bike (Trike!)... see carefully!
Coca Cola Captures & fuels the events!
Aimless talks, partners, ... life!
This is SPI!
Spring Break Crowd!
Beautiful Beach
Walking Tall